Newsletters 2019
Newsletters 2019
Newsletters 2019
Newsletters 2019
Llano River Watershed Alliance
Collaborate. Educate. Participate
Water and Land Stewardship
November 11 - 2023
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Want to be a better steward of your water and land and keep our springs and rivers flowing?
Then learn about the geology of our local aquifers, the best land stewardship to keep the natural water cycle flowing, and the laws governing groundwater and surface water.
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Location:Coke Stevenson Memorial Center Junction, TX
Registration: Fee $10
Register online or printable form, see top of page.
Registration closes November 8 .
Sponsor: Llano River Watershed Alliance
Groundwater Becoming Surface Water at 700 Springs
Dr. Peter George, Senior Hydrologist, Collier Consulting, the firm that does KCGD’s groundwater availability study.
Steve Nelle, Natural Resource Specialist/Wildlife Biologist, retired NRCS
Meredith Allen, General Groundwater Manager for Kimble, Sutton, and Menard GWDs
Agenda: Moderated panel presentations with Q&A
9:00-9:30 Check-in and coffee & refreshment social
Geology of local aquifers: Basic overview of what an aquifer is, including the geology of the karst limestone aquifers
Land Stewardship to increase both groundwater and surface waters: Increase groundwater recharge through stewardship for your land and objectives.
Groundwater and surface water laws: Role of Groundwater Districts and the laws for groundwater and surface waters in Texas
Contact Person: Scott Richardson 830-459-2271