Newsletters 2019

Newsletters 2019

Newsletters 2019

Newsletters 2019

Llano River Watershed Alliance
Collaborate. Educate. Participate
The LRWA has been active since 2009, educating, collaborating and interacting with landowners in the Llano River watershed, that includes the North and South Llano, the Main Llano and all major creeks in between!
Past LRWA workshops have focused on
Riparian habitats and relevant wildlife
Control of negative-impact and invasive plants (i.e. Elephant ear and Arundo donax)
Streambank erosion control
Guadalupe Bass restoration, conservation of resources
Controlled burns and fire recovery
Flood forecasting
Promoting the much-enjoyed paddling trail on the South Llano
In 2022 our activities will include:
Publishing a quarterly online newsletter: link sent to all current members.
Continuing to monitor and address local and state actions that could affect the watershed.
Free landowner site visits to walk your land with you and give individualized advice on rehabilitating and/or maintaining your riparian habitat (includes riverbanks and nearby hillside stewardship).
To educate landowners about the destructive, invasive Arundo donax cane infesting waterways, via free site visits, and free, professional eradication through TPWD.
Workshops on all these subjects and MORE, open to the public, in different locations throughout the Llano River watershed!
Please fill out the enclosed form and mail it with your check (made out to LRWA), to LRWA, Box 725, Junction, TX 76849
You can also join/renew online at https://www.llanoriver.org
Individual memberships are $20/ Business memberships are $100, and a Business membership includes a free link from the LRWA website.
Thank you all for your support in the past and we look forward to our interactions in the future!
Linda Fawcett, President
Llano River Watershed Alliance, Lrwatx@gmail.com