Newsletters 2019

Newsletters 2019

Newsletters 2019

Newsletters 2019

Llano River Watershed Alliance
Collaborate. Educate. Participate
History of Alliance
Historical Summary of SLWA
November 2008 Initial Workshop to discuss formation of an alliance
January 2009 First official meeting of the SLWA and formation of board of directors
March 2009 SLWA Land Stewardship Workshop
May 2009 SLWA Membership Meeting covering goals, values, and alliances' webpage
August 2009 SLWA Workshop on Prescribed Burning and Groundwater Districts and Management Areas
November 2009 SLWA Workshop on Riparian Habitat, Turkey Habitat and Quail Cooperatives
January 2010 SLWA adopted a 2-mile section of road from Flat Rock crossing to hwy 377 South
April 2010 SLWA co-sponsors Texas Watershed Steward Workshop
May 2010 SLWA Riparian Workshop
Summer 2010 SLWA/TPWD partnership begins to control elephant ear
October 2010 SLWA facilitated a stakeholders informational meeting on the TPWD Guadalupe Bass Restoration Initiative and the the Texas Paddling Trails program.
December 2010 SLWA facilitated a second stakeholders informational meeting on the TPWD Guadalupe Bass Restoration Initiative and the Texas Paddling Trails program.
March 2011 SLWA and TPWD sign contract for the Tyson Broad's grant proposal for a Upper Llano Characterization report and Watershed Conservation Plan.
June 25 2011 SLWA membership meeting, program, and lunch at Llano River Field Station
July 2011 SLWA, TPWD, TTU, Kimble Co., and City of Junction all sign an agreement to begin the development of the South Llano Paddling Trail
July 21, 2011 TPWD holds a meeting of agency experts, private consultants, and SLWA representatives to address the recovery of the Oasis Fire impacted land. SLWA is asked and agrees to facilitate and coordinate a workshop to the recovery.
Sept. 2011 SLWA with funding from the Junction Tourism Board acquires over 2,000 UP to You river trash bags from the Nueces River Authority
Sept. 20, 2011 SLWA facilitates and coordinates the Junction Water Workshop
Nov. 12, 2011 SLWA facilitates and coordinates the Oasis Pipeline Fire Recovery Workshop sponsored by TPWD
November 2011 The EPA Healthy Watershed Grant for an Upper Llano Watershed Protection Plan is approved and SLWA is listed as one of the partners.
March 3, 2012 SLWA membership meeting and program on Gradient boundary presentation by Ben Thomson retired Senior Surveyor TX General Land Office
April 14, 2012 SLWA facilitates the launch of the South Llano Paddling Trail in conjunction with the Kimble Co. Wise Living Event.
April 25, 2012 SLWA facilitates a steering committee meeting of stakeholders on the draft of the Upper Llano Watershed Conservation Plan
May 19, 2012 SLWA facilitates a follow up field trip to the Oasis Fire recovery demonstration site
Sept. 22, 2012 SLWA sponsors Conservation Easement Workshop.​
April 18, 2013 SLWA receives the TPWD Lone Star Land Steward Award
April 20, 2013 SLWA sponsors Water Conservation Workshop "How To's of Water Conservation"
June 29. 2013 SLWA Llano River Clean Up and Kayak raffle for participants.
March 2014 Alliance and River get mentioned in Tx Parks and Wildlife Magazine
May 17 2014 SLWA South Llano River Clean up and Kayak raffle for participants
July 31, 2014 SLWA sponsors "Destination Junction" Community meeting at Kimble Co. Courthouse
Oct. 15, 2014 SLWA, TPWD, and Llano River Field Station sponsor "Can the Guadalupe Bass save our Hill Country Rivers?"
Jan. 10, 2015 SLWA first edition of "Watershed Week in Review" weekly newsletter
Feb. 10, 2015 SLWA Board votes unanimously to change the name of SLWA to "Llano River Watershed Alliance"
April 18, 2015 SLWA, TPWD, and Llano River Field Station sponsor the "Oasis Pipeline Wildfire Recovery Workshop"
June 2015 SLWA begins partnership with Upper Llanos Soil Board offering scholarships to students to attend Range Workshop at Llano River Field Station
Sept 27, 2015 LRWA's Fall Outing on South Llano River
Jan. 10, 2016 LRWA planning meeting and BBQ
March 2016 LRWA receives a grant from the Mason Community Foundation to purchase new stream-monitoring kits
April 30, 2016 LRWA sponsors tour of Kerr Wildlife Management Area with noted land stewardship author, Jim Stanley
June 3, 2016 LRWA co-sponsors Stream Bank Restoration Workshop
October 20, 2016 LRWA co-sponsors Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Mason
Fall 2016 LRWA begins Citizen Scientist Water Quality monitoring on Llano
May 6, 2017 LRWA co-sponsors Texas Watershed Steward Program in Junction
July 9, 2017 LRWA volunteers cage riparian native trees at South Llano River State Park to protect from browse
August 4, 2017 LRWA co-hosts river clean up and invasive species removal along South Llano
October 12, 2017 LRWA co-sponsors Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Mason
October 2017 LRWA partners with Bass Pro Shops and TPWD on tagged Guadalupe Bass giveaway.
June 30, 2018 LRWA hosts river clean up and kiosk installation at new TPWD River Access and Conservation Area (RACA) site on South Llano
July 25, 2018 LRWA and partners host public tour of recently constructed exclosures along South Llano River to protect riparian areas from browse
July 31, 2018 Alliance and 19 other partners in the Hill Country Conservation Network receive $5 million pledge from NRCS to fund private landowner stewardship programs as part of Regional Conservation Partnership Program
August 23, 2018 Alliance hosts TPWD RACA Workshop in Castell
October 2018 Llano River reaches 2ndhighest flood levels in recorded history. Alliance Facebook page and list serve serves as important data source for residents along river
November 3, 2018 LRWA cohosts Healthy Creeks and Riparian Workshop on Sandy Creek
Nov-Dec 2018 LRWA and TPWD scout river for navigation hazards resulting from the flood
January 2019 Alliance releases report of Fall Floods on the Llano
March 2019 Alliance hosts two lectures on the Llano at Llano Earth Art Fest
March 2, 2019 Alliance co-hosts Sandy Creek Riparian Restoration Workshop
March 21, 2019 Alliance hosts Flood Forecasting Workshop in Castell
April 2019 Alliance coordinates with TPWD for fish sampling to assess recovery following flood.
April 2019 LRWA launches YouTube channel for viewing narrated aerial footage of the Llano following the flood.
April and May 2019 Alliance hosts “Great Guac Grab” to clean up debris from 42,000-pound avocado spill on South Llano.
May 18,2019 LRWA hosted Llano River Work Day to improve access and conservation at new RACA sites.
July 2019 Alliance removes additional navigation hazards along S Llano resulting from flood
Summer 2019 LRWA co-hosts Landowner Incentive Program workshops in Mason and Junction