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Watershed Conservation Plan

“Conservation is a state of harmony between
men and land.”

Aldo Leopold

A watershed conservation plan is a means by which stakeholders recognize the values of a watershed and identify opportunities to preserve and restore them. Values are wide ranging and include economic, historical, cultural, and ecological values. Economic values include those benefits derived from municipal activities, agriculture, recreation, and tourism; historical and cultural values include maintaining rural lifestyles or preserving regional icons such as springs. Ecological values include maintaining riparian areas for flood control and bank storage, or preserving aquatic habitat for native fish populations.

The identification of values through a Watershed Conservation Plan (click to open plan in Google Docs) helps shape the development of an ethic that promotes land and water stewardship efforts. Development of this stewardship within a community of stakeholders increases the implementation of practices identified in the Plan to preserve the valued resources. 

Select members of SLWA drafted this draft of the Watershed Conservation Plan with funding from the Guadalupe Bass Restoration Initiative. The draft was then reviewed by the Watershed Plan Advisory Committee, consisting of both Alliance members and interested stakeholders. 

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