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Get Involved

“Conservation is a state of harmony between
men and land.”

Aldo Leopold

Landowners Incentive Program


The Texas Landowner Incentive Program (LIP) is a collaborative effort between TPWD Wildlife and Inland Fisheries Divisions to meet the needs of private, non-federal landowners wishing to enact good conservation practices on their lands for the benefit of healthy terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.


Conservation Stewardship Program


Through the Conservation Stewardship Program, NRCS will provide financial and technical assistance to eligible producers to conserve and enhance soil, water, air, and related natural resources on their land.


Water Conservation



Regional Water Planning


The Region F Water Planning Group includes a diverse group of local people representing 11 different interest categories.  The Planning Group is tasked with overseeing the development and adoption of the regional water plan in accordance with Texas Senate Bill 1 and Texas Senate Bill 2.  There are currently 19 voting members on the Region F Water Planning Group and 17 non-voting members.


Regional Water Supplies and Demands


Texas Senate Bill 1 requires each regional water planning group to develop and adopt a regional water plan every five years. The Region F Regional Water Planning Group is currently beginning the fourth round of planning with the development of the 2016 Region F Water Plan. The final approved 2011 Regional Water Plan was completed on December 1, 2010… Chapter 3 Water Suppy Analysis June 2009 (PDF / 1847 KB)


Groundwater Management Areas (GMA)


Learn more about GMAs from the Texas Water Development Board and Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts


Prescribed Burning Associations


Info from the Edwards Plateau Prescribed Burning Association


Rainwater Harvesting


Lots of information from Hill Country Alliance Rainwater Harvesting website


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